Event Rules
Upcoming airsoft event
airsoft event image
Date: 31.03.2025
Location: Tallinn
Gathering: 18:00
Briefing: 18:15
Starting: 18:30

Event Rules / Estonian airsoft rules

ATTENTION! Not knowing the rules does not exempt from responsibility. By taking part in airsoft games, you confirm that you have read the rules below and will act according to them, unless the organizer has said otherwise.

Confirmed on 24.08.2020 by the Eesti Airsofti Liit MTÜ

Corrected and supplemented by the decision of the general meeting on 23.11.2020
The rules come into force on 01.01.2021

1. Safety equipment in the game and recommendations to ensure safety
1.1 Behavior with AR
1.2 Safety technology
1.3 Protective equipment
1.3.1 Additional protective equipment
1.4 Player responsibility
2. General rules of games
2.1 Use of alcohol and narcotic substances
2.2 Participation of minors in airsoft games
2.3 Use of pyrotechnics in airsoft games
2.4 Players behavior in the event of a hit
2.4.1 "Fallen" behavior
2.4.2 "Vulnerable" behavior
2.5 Trustee System
2.6 Penalties
3. Classification and improvement of ARs
3.1 Types and discharge rates of ARs
3.2 Limitations of minimum shooting distances according to the exhaust velocity
4. Rules of good practice in the game and outside the game
5. General recommendations
5.1 Clothing, footwear
5.2 Water
5.3 Medicine
5.4 Useful tips
6. Organizers
7. Photographers/operators
8. List of word explanations

1. Safety equipment in the game and recommendations to ensure safety

1.1 Behavior with AR (airsoft replica)

- Always treat your AR like a combat weapon. In case of careless use of AR and thoughtless behavior, this toy can also cause unpleasant traumas.
- Always transport your AR in a dedicated bag. If the kit came with a "cap" for the barrel of the gun, use it - this way dirt does not get into the barrel. It is also recommended to transport the AR with the batteries disconnected.
- It is strictly forbidden to take out the AR in public places where it can be confused with a combat weapon. This kind of activity can lead to a lot of unpleasantness.
- Never look into the AR barrel unless absolutely necessary.
- Never look down the barrel of an AR unless the AR has its battery, magazine, and loaded bullet removed. A random shot can take you out of sight.
- When handling the AR, always wear special certified glasses or a mask.
- Do not keep your finger on the trigger if there is no need for it. The finger moves to the trigger only when the AR is in the play area, aimed and ready to fire. Keep your finger away from the trigger the rest of the time.
- Always check what is in front and behind the target before shooting. People and things unrelated to the game may get into the playing area and the line of fire.
- Before shooting, make sure that there are no people without protective equipment in the shooting zone. Certified glasses or masks are mandatory equipment.
- The introduction of AR before the game must take place in a designated place. If such a place is not designated, the entry must be made in a safe direction, away from places where people may move without protective equipment.
- It is strictly forbidden to remove goggles or a mask in the game zone.
- At home, keep the AR in a place where strangers and children cannot reach it. Keep the AR removed magazine and disconnect battery.
- Check the working status of your AR - AR needs to be properly maintained. You should be sure of the reliability of your AR and know its construction.
- Use only high quality and legal bbs in your AR. Low-quality ammunition can damage your weapon.

1.2 Safety technique

- It is categorically forbidden to pick up an already lit firecracker or other pyrotechnic product (for example, to throw it forward or back).
- It is forbidden to shoot persons wearing a yellow or orange reflective vest, a "dead man rag" or a red light.
- It is forbidden to shoot at persons and creatures not related to the game, such as locals, tourists, fish, athletes, animals, birds.
- Shooting in security zones, "dead zone" (both in and out) and outside the game is prohibited.
- It is forbidden to take part in the game without protective equipment. The minimum protective equipment is safety glasses or a special mesh mask covering the eyes.
- Settlement of accounts between players during the game is prohibited. Personal or in-game contact the organizers or "trustees" to solve problems.
- It is forbidden to use in the game the types of weapons whose technical characteristics fall outside the limits prescribed for ARs (see point 3).
- It is forbidden to use hand-to-hand combat techniques.
- It is forbidden to use handy objects or materials to imitate weapons, for example throwing stones, sticks, imitate both grenades, etc.
- BLIND SHOOTING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Before you look, then shoot

1.3 Protective equipment

The main protective equipment is glasses.
- The basic requirement for glasses: regardless of the type of glasses, whether they are ballistic, mesh or other, the glasses must withstand a shot of 4 joules fired from an AR at a distance of at least 1 m. The glasses must remain intact and not change their shape. Glasses that have not passed this test will not be used in the game. In addition, the glasses must also protect the eyes from the sides.
- Every person in the play area must wear glasses. It does not matter whether it is a player or another participant (photographer, spectator, etc.). The rule cannot be applied to persons who have entered the territory by accident ("civilians").
- During the game, it is strictly forbidden to take off glasses, unless the glasses are heavily fogged (see the point "fogging") and in glasses-free zones (see the point "safe zone", "parking lot").
- Fogging. If the visibility has become so bad due to fog that it can be dangerous (there is a danger tripping, not noticing a danger or obstacle, etc.), can clean the glasses while doing everything to so that the bbs does not hit the face or eyes. First of all, try to adjust the head or face covering so that the air can escape to move between the glasses, also try to ventilate with your hand. If thats not enough, try cleaning your glasses with a cleaning cloth, removing the glasses as little as possible. The safest time is to clean your glasses take out the "dead man rag", hide or lie down. If possible, ask your companion to take care of the cover. Clean the glasses without removing them. Before returning to the game, make sure the glasses are properly on.
- Staining of glasses. If dirty glasses prevent the continuation of the game and it is not possible to clean them without taking them, you must move to the glasses-free zone for cleaning.
- Glasses breaking. If the glasses break during the game, the "dead man rag" must be taken out immediately and move to the glasses-free zone, covering and hiding your eyes with your hands and anything else possible.
If possible, ask fellow players to bear with you.

1.3.1. Additional protective equipment

It is recommended to protect your mouth from hits as well. The impact can injure the teeth, so you should keep your mouth closed as much as possible or cover it with a cloth or a special protective mask.
- A mask is protective equipment made of metal mesh, plastic or other material that covers the head or face completely or partially. The requirements for a mask are the same as for glasses. It is recommended to use a mask in places with dense bushes, houses and other places where there is a high risk of close contact.
- Gloves (full and half-fingered). It is recommended to use full gloves that completely cover the palm and fingers. Full fingers keep the hands from injuries and relatively clean.
- Elbow and knee pads are also recommended as they protect knees and elbows for possible traumas. Before use, make sure that the protectors do not interfere with your movement and that they are also comfortable for continuous use.
- Helmet - protects the head. Especially important in a game with buildings, difficult terrain with a risk of falling or low obstacles.
- Scarves, shemaghs, etc. To protect the neck, chin or the whole face.

1.4 Player responsibility

ATTENTION! Based on the laws of the Republic of Estonia, in the event of physical or material damage the person who caused the damage is liable.
-When coming to an airsoft game, remember that you are responsible for your own health, not the game organizer or the owner of the area.
Appeal to players:
Dear players!
Airsoft is a hobby we all share. Be very attentive! Follow the safety and game rules. Come on respect other players. This way we all get maximum enjoyment from the game.

2. General rules of games

2.1 Alcohol and drug use

- It is CATEGORICALLY forbidden to consume any alcoholic beverages at Airsoft games of alcohol content and quantity.
- A person who is suspected of drinking alcohol or who has obvious signs of intoxication (slurred speech, impaired movement, impaired thinking, does not behave adequately) will be removed from the game. In addition, he may be banned from further games.
- A person who consumes alcohol during the game is obliged to stop active participation, put away his AR and remove the magazine from it.
- According to the laws of the Republic of Estonia, minors are prohibited from consuming alcohol.
- If the organizer/trustee/fellow player has discovered a person who has consumed alcohol during the game, he will be removed from the game and may be banned from further games.
- The use of narcotic substances on the territory of the game is strictly prohibited before, during and immediately after the end of the game.
- A person who shows clear signs of drug use will be removed from the game immediately and may be banned from further games.
- Consumption and distribution of narcotic substances is punishable by the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
- A person who is somehow related to the consumption or distribution of a narcotic substance will be handed over to the Republic of Estonia into the hands of law enforcement officers.

2.2 Participation of minors in airsoft games

- Minors have limited opportunities to participate in airsoft games:
- persons under the age of 16 may participate in the games only with their parent or official guardian, unless otherwise stated in the game announcement;
-persons under the age of 16 may participate in the games with the written consent of their parent or official guardian with consent, in case the under-16 belongs to a recognized airsoft club or regularly participates in airsoft training and the game organizer can check this. In this case, a participant under the age of 16 must have a copy of the parents/guardians identity document, which also includes the parents/guardians phone number, and the parent/guardian has signed the paper that he/she is aware of the customs, rules and dangers of this activity.
- 16-17 year olds can only participate in airsoft games with their parent or official guardian with a written consent signed in the presence of the organizer or sent to the organizers email digitally signed.

2.3 Use of pyrotechnics

- The use of homemade fireworks packs is prohibited in games.
- All fireworks packs used must be official products. - CE certified products.
- An explosive package that does not have a hit element is not a grenade. The detonation of such an explosive package does not count as a hit for any player.
- An explosive package can be used to divert or distract the attention of other participants.
- It is allowed to use factory-made CO2 grenades.
- It is allowed to use grenades made from factory explosive packages and safe in buildings with a striking element and does not exceed 1NEC 1g.
- Smoke allowed at games must be factory products and must not contain toxic substances, allergenic or suffocating additives. If you are not sure that the product does not contain these substances, it is better do not use such smokes.
- The use of smoke or smoke grenades in buildings is strictly prohibited.
- When using a grenade in open terrain, being hit by the grenades hitting element is equivalent to an AR by getting hit.
- When using a grenade in rooms smaller than 25 square meters (rooms, basements), it is counted everyone in the room at the time of the explosion would be caught. It is not considered a hit if the player was protected a strong obsticle like a wall. Plywood, cardboard and other thin materials do not protect unless the organizers of the game have declared them imitations.
- When using a grenade in rooms with an area of more than 25 square meters (for example, a long corridor or hangar), the same rule applies as in open terrain - only the grenade with the hitting element counts hitting.
- Grenades filled with flour, icing sugar or other potentially explosive substances are prohibited.
- The use of rockets (fireworks) during the games is prohibited. Only the organizer can use.

2.4 Player behavior in the event of a hit

- If a player has been hit by a hit element (according to the rules of the game), he is counted "fallen" or "wounded".

2.4.1 "Fallen" behavior

- A “fallen” player is required to clearly state after being hit by a hit element that he is out of the game, disconnect the AR magazine and mark himself with a red cloth (“dead man rag”) or with orange reflective cloth and move towards the dead zone.
- The size of the red fabric is at least 30 x 30 cm. We recommend using an orange reflective vest instead.
- A player is not allowed to play without a red cloth or an orange reflective vest.
- If the game takes place in the dark, the red cloth is replaced by lamps with a red filter or what is wrapped in a red cloth. You can also use a red light stick, etc.
- You can announce your hit with the words "Убит", "Dead", "Мертв", "Hit", etc.
- "Fallen" is not allowed to reveal in-game information that may affect the course of the game.
- "Fallen" may not use radio or mobile for in-game communication.

2.4.2 "Vulnerable" behavior

If the scenario calls for "getting wounded", then the player will have to act as follows when hit by an element.
- After being hit, the player must take a sitting or lying position.
- Player may not use AR.
- The player cannot move without assistance.
- The player can call a medic by voice or radio.
- If at the end of five minutes (unless the scenario provides otherwise) the player is not "healed", he is counted "fallen" and acts according to the "fallen" rules.

2.5 Trustee system (hereinafter trustee)

- To improve the overview of compliance with the rules and compliance with the safety technique has been introduced trustee system.
- A trustee is an authoritative community member who helps the organizers voluntarily to check compliance with rules and safety techniques at games.
- A trustee can take part in the game on one side.
- Each participant can appeal to resolve a conflict situation that arose during the game to the trustee.
- The trustee/reliable person is the help of the organizers at the game.
- When solving a conflict situation, the trustee must do it according to the rules and soberly relying on reason.
- When resolving a conflict situation, the trustee must reach a decision only on the valid ones based on the rules and safety techniques.
- The trustee may not use his influence to cause harm to his party during the game favorable conditions.
- The trustee can impose a penalty on the players if the organizer has allowed him to do so to do within the game.
- The trustee must be familiar with the rules and safety techniques used by the community.

2.6 Penalties

- Participant may be punished for violating game, community and safety rules.
- Depending on the severity of the misdemeanor, a warning, removal to the mortuary may be used as punishment, removal from the game, 30 day suspension, 180 day suspension and general suspension.
- The organizer chooses what punishment he imposes for a misdemeanor.
- Every penalized player will be "blacklisted".
- "Black list" is a common list shared by the organizers in a closed forum.

3. Classification and improvement of ARs

You can check the classification of ARs here: The output energy of ARs is measured in joules and the hop up of your AR is set by what you use to the bbs.
Only ARe with an output energy not exceeding 1.2 Joules is allowed to be used indoors

3.1 Types and release energies of ARs

-Guns/shotguns/machine guns: discharge energy -1.2 Joules.
- Assault rifles (Assault Rifles, Submachine guns): discharge energy 1.2-1.6 Joules.
- ARs with single shots (the ability to fire a volley has been removed mechanically!), machine guns and light machine guns (MachineGuns, LMG): discharge energy 1.6-2.5 Joules.
- Semi-automatic sniper ARs (barrage shot option mechanically removed!):
release energy 1.6-2.5 Joules.
- Mountable sniper ARs: discharge energy 3.5 Joules.

3.2 Limitations of the minimum firing distance according to the AR release energy

- -1.2 J pistols/shotguns/machine guns, there is no range limitation, recommended min. distance 3m.
- 1.21-1.6J pistols/shotguns/machine guns, range limit 10 m. Backup recommended.
- 1.61-2.5J single-shot AR, machine gun, light machine gun, range limit 20 m, Backup mandatory.
- 1.61-2.5J semi-automatic sniper, range limit 25 m, Backup mandatory.
- -3.5J wind-mounted sniper AR, range limit 30 m, Backup mandatory - Inside the houses, EVERYONE has a single shot limit and a recommended pistol limit. Out of the house may be allowed without restrictions if the minimum distance is ensured.

4. Rules of good practice in the game and outside the game

- Do not wear uncovered AR in populated areas. In AR transports, it must always be a hidden stranger for a glance.
- Do not wear combat gear outside the playing area. Put the harness and vest in the bag.
- Do not hit a member of the opposing team in the head if another part of his body is visible.
- Dont get into "hit/missed" arguments.
- Dont stick the AR out blindly from behind a corner or cover without seeing where youre shooting.
- Avoid damaging other peoples property during games.
- Dont leave trash behind. Find out from the organizers where the garbage bags are located.
- Violators of the rules of good practice can also be blacklisted by the organizers, if the organizers have to it becomes necessary.
- Behave according to social norms. Be polite to other players in the game.

5. General recommendations

5.1 Clothing, footwear

Try to find comfortable clothes and equipment. It is important that it corresponds to those during the game weather conditions and season.
In warm weather, dress lightly, but dont forget about the safety of your limbs. Long sleeves and pants are protective protect you from scratches, cuts and insect bites and soften the impact of a hit.
In addition, long sleeves and pants are an additional disguise.
In cold weather, try to dress in such a way that you dont start sweating profusely when you move and dont get cold if you have to to be in one place for a long time.
Always check the weather forecast and dress according to the conditions allowed in the game area.


Shoes must be chosen according to the conditions. The shoe must fix the foot to protect it for a sprain. The strong sole protects against punctures and cuts. The pattern and material of the sole should prevent slipping. It is better to use lighter shoes in summer and lined shoes in winter.

5.2 Water

Always try to carry drinking water with you, regardless of the season. Dehydration of the body can lead to quite a lot to severe consequences. In the warm season, the body minimum daily water requirement is approx two liters. Dehydration is as dangerous in the cold season as it is in the warm season.

5.3 Medicine

ATTENTION! If you have chronic diseases or are forced to take medication, you still run the risk of coming to the game, then inform the organizers and fellow fighters of the location of your medication and how to take it and who should be contacted in special cases in addition to the ambulance.
In other cases, it is recommended to carry a small first aid kit with you, which would be helpful for common injuries such as cuts, abrasions, bruises, etc. Also worth carrying insect repellent.

5.4 Useful tips (on upgrade)

- When playing, carry a mobile phone with a full battery and enough credit in case you dont have one walkie-talkie and you want to get in touch with the organizers. Calling the emergency number (112) is free.
- Always carry with you the number of a relative or loved one who you can contact in an emergency.
- Write down the game organizers mobile number.
- Remember that a mesh mask or goggles will not save your eyes from a breaking bbs or a dried pea for, which is often used as a striking element in grenades. Small fragments can fly through mask and injure your eyes.
-Bring a change of dry clothes, in case you sweat during active play and after that there is a longer break. Then use the opportunity to change your underwear so as not to catch a cold (it is possible to catch a cold even in summer) -Replenish your drinking water supplies if possible.

6. Organizers

Organizers (hereinafter referred to as GM or GMs) - persons responsible for organizing an airsoft game.
During the game, the GM usually wears a yellow or green reflective vest.

Organizing the game

- No one can force the GM to organize any particular game. Organizing is a purely voluntary activity.
- No one can prevent the organization of the game if it complies with the laws and ethical norms of the Republic of Estonia.

GM Responsibilities

- Organizing the announced game. If the GM is unable to organize the game, he must notify as early as possible.
- Ensuring order in the game. If necessary, the organizer can involve a third party, for example a security company.
- Resolving conflict situations and disputes arising during the game, based on the peculiarities of the airsoft rules and the rules of the game scenario.

GM Rights

- The GM is always right.
- The GM may apply additional safety/security rules according to the complexity and specification of the area.
- The GM has the right to remove the offending player from the game or dead zone. - The GM has the right to remove a player from the game or send him to the dead zone if the player has violated the rules or obstructs the game (for example: violating the rules or requirements of the scenario, inciting or provoking a conflict, disobeying the party commander or trustee, etc.).
- The GM has the right to restrict the players freedom of movement and rights to use props if justified by the rules of the scenario.
- The GM has the right to archive the name, surname, nickname and photo of the player who violated the order or rules of the game, which can be seen by other groups of organizers.
- The GM has the right to advise other groups of organizers not to allow violators into their games from the list.
For your information: there is an agreement between the organizers not to allow a player who broke the rules in one game to the games of another organizer. Before such a decision is made, the conflict is reviewed and analyzed re-examine the situation thoroughly.
The Violator List is a list accessible by the Games Organizers that contains the names and photos of the violators.
Props are equipment, materials, property of the organizers, which are used to organize the game and to complete the situation.

7. Photographers/Operators

A game can have two types of photographers (or operators) - "frontline photographers" (experienced players who do not take part in the game, but capture the game "from inside") and ordinary photographers (bystanders with cameras who do not take part in the game).
Only experienced players or those with experience are allowed as "frontline photographers" for airsoft games (at the organizers discretion) photographers who know the specifics of the game well. "Frontline photographers" can observe the game "from inside" and move with the groups. They are required to observe the following rules:
- the "frontline photographer" is required to wear a beanie with the word "PRESS" or a well-noticeable armband with the word "PRESS" on both hands. The photographer is responsible for obtaining these items himself; - the "frontline photographer" wears protective glasses or a mask, he is obliged to get them himself; - the "frontline photographer" wears protective glasses or a mask, he is obliged to get them himself;
- "frontline photographers" must not interfere with the game, give in-game information to anyone, unmask players and interfere with the game and players in any way;
- the "frontline photographer" is obliged to move away from the activity area if the player asks for it.
Ordinary photographers are allowed in the game territory only with the permission of the organizers. For this purpose, the organizers must be informed no less than two weeks before the start of the game. Such photographers are not "killed" by a hit, do not participate in the scenario and do not interfere with the game in any way. A regular photographer is obliged to observe the following rules:
- the regular photographer must wear an orange reflective vest (not yellow!), he is obliged to get it himself;
- the regular photographer wears protective glasses or a mask, he is obliged to get them himself;
- the regular photographer does not have the right to enter into a conversation with the players;
- an ordinary photographer does not have the right to approach the player closer than 10 meters;
- the regular photographer must not be in the middle of the players;
- the regular photographer must not be inside the defense facility/positions;
- an ordinary photographer may not purposefully follow a group or a player and take photographs positions, hiding/ambush players and disrupting the game or players in any way way.
Even following all the rules does not guarantee that the photographer will not get hit on himself or his equipment. The photographer must take this into account, and claims against the players or the organizers will not be taken into account.
Players with cameras take part in the game and behave according to the rules of a normal player (go to the graveyard when hit, etc.). Players with cameras must coordinate filming. with the game organizer.

8. List of word explanations

AR (airsoft replica), AEG (English: Airsoft Electric Gun), GBB (English: Gas Blowback) - electropneumatic replicas of airsoft guns used in airsoft games "Knife attack" or "knife kill" (allowing such an attack is individual for the organizers) Attacking with a knife can be played out in two ways:
1) Body pat with voice notification. The attacker approaches the opponent, touches/pats him shoulder/neck/body and says "knife kill" or "нож (nož)". After that, the attacked person acts accordingly to the "fallen" rules.
2) Touching with a soft knife imitation (allowed only if the organizers specifically ask for it said) and voice notification. The attacker approaches the opponent, touches him on the shoulder/neck/body with a knife imitation and says "knife kill" or "нож (nož)". After that, the attacked person acts accordingly to the "fallen" rules.

Drop-in area
The drop-in area is determined by the game organizers:
- the area is marked with tape;
- the organizers determine the shooting direction;
- exhaust velocity measurements take place only in this area;
- Checking the operation of the AR, if the AR has a magazine and battery attached, is allowed only in such an area;
- when moving away from the drop-in area, check that the magazine has been removed and that no mechanism has remained no bbs - make an idle shot up at an angle of no less than 30 degrees.

The game is on
With such a command, the game is started or the game is continued if the command "Stop the game" has previously sounded
The game stopped
It is applied when a dangerous situation has arisen that can lead to trauma, accident or material to your detriment.
It is necessary to transmit "game stop" in the following cases:
- fire at the polygon;
- outsiders who do not have protective equipment, including equipment that does not, have entered the game area related to the game;
- in case the game participant has suffered a trauma;
- serious fouls by player(s) that may lead to injury.
In such cases, the player must shout "Stop the game!" loud and clear. If you heard this signal, you are obliged to transmit it in the same way, if possible also by radio. "Game stop" signal in case the player remains in the place where they are currently in order to continue when the critical situation passes game (The game is in progress), if there is additional information that you have to leave the game area, then it is already followed new instructions.

Cemeteries or dead zones.
Areas set aside for "fallen" players in the game.
- The time of stay in the cemetery is specified in the rules of the game.
- The cemetery is marked with a marking tape (the color of the tape may be different) and it is often located outside the playing area.
- The amount of cemeteries and their belonging to the players parties are determined by the organizers.
- Shooting in the cemetery or in its immediate vicinity is strictly prohibited.
- Removing goggles or a mask in the cemetery is prohibited due to the proximity of the play area.

A designated place by game organizers where players can park their cars during big games, tents, make a fire, etc. The organizers are also often present at the camp. As a rule, the camp is a safe zone where you can go without safety glasses and where shooting is categorically prohibited.

Parking lot
The parking lot is a place set aside by the organizers where players can park their vehicles. In the parking lot an organizer may also be present. As a rule, the parking lot is a safe zone where you can walk without goggles and where shooting is categorically prohibited.

Party commander
A person appointed by the organizer to lead one of the players parties. Commanders orders completion is mandatory for players. In case of non-compliance, the organizer sets a penalty, for example removes the player from the graveyard or even from the game.